
Monday, April 30, 2007

The power of branching out

As you have probably seen from what started as a website with a forum (BSP) the network has expanded with the addition of Rampant Designs, Stick Guy Comics, blogs and the recent addition Herpes Radio, the entire network has a huge diversity which helps all the websites as they are all connected together (through advertisements and the forum) so if one gains popularity it should help the others. I look at the network as 3 sections the Rampant Designs section which is the technical side, the BSP section which is the entertainment for all ages and the Stick Guy Comics section which is entertainment aimed at a more mature audience (such as the new radio show).

The main advantage of branching out your network into new areas is you let each have its own voice, we could have had, and but all the sites would be compared to Rampant Designs as they contain the same url, but at the same time as the other sites are referenced in some way through the other sites is still allows users to move around the network. If you do branch out I suggest having a lot of diversity don't have your website then a sub site with pretty much the same content because it becomes confusing for users who are on your website looking for information related to it who have to search around several sub sites for it.

Sites to check out:
Rampant Designs

Baby Seal Productions

Stick Guy

The Club

BSP Blog

Stick Guy Blog

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