
Monday, April 23, 2007

Myspace Affiliate Abuse

It seems that the majority of myspace users post trying to get you something free, by free they mean when you enter your credit card details and spend lots of money they will send you the free gift. What gets me most is that its always an ipod or iphone two things I never desire to own as you will have seen from my first ever blog talking about the great Zen Vision M: from Creative (highly reccomended as always) but its so annoying to see the comments list filled with that crap, I havent had any on my personal myspace but theres been some I have deleted on the Baby Seal Productions myspace.

Also the other annoying one is the 'want to know whos spying on your myspace', I have a quick and simple method I use on my own blog and that is setting it to private so to see it the person has to become my friend.

Then theres the ones who say myspace wont let them display the content of there pictures and to click to view them on another site, I pitty the horny idiots who click that and get taken to a virus ridden website, and you know people click it otherwise most comment boxes wouldn't have them appear multiple times.

Also blog 14, the curse that never existed would be lifted if it existed, anyways:

The answer to life, blogger wouldn't let me post it so click the link**

**Bad joke, does not point to any risky site, unless you enter the stick guy forum.

Sites to check out:
Rampant Designs

Baby Seal Productions

Stick Guy

The Club

BSP Blog

Stick Guy Blog

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